Italian Paintings for Sale

Domenico Zampieri, called Domenichino

(Bologna 1581 - Naples 1641)


Oil on canvas
114 x 148 cm.
17th century

Gallery Colonna, Rome;
The painting is mentioned in Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna’s inventory, written after his death in 1689 (E.A Safarik, Collezione dei dipinti Colonna, Inventari, 1611-1795, The Provenance Index, Munich, London, Paris, 1996, p.170, p.689, n°563). Lorenzo Onofrio was a passionate collector and he is kown to have dramatically increased both the quantity and the qua ... ity of the family collection of paintings. He most probably bought it, since it is not mentioned in the previous inventories of 1648, 1654, 1664, 1667 and 1679;
The painting is mentioned in successive inventories in 1714 (original by Domenichino), 1730 (Pietà), 1783 (copy after Carracci);
The painting is probably sold in 1798-99 with others from the Colonna Collection. William Buchanan is known to have bought at about that time two paintings from the collection (a “Parmigianino” and a “Poussin”) mentioned in letters sent to his agents in Italy and England;
Lord Kinnaird; his sale (“paintings removed from Rossie Priory”), Christie’s, London, 21 June 1946, lot 13, as A. Carracci;
Bought by C.P Backman;
Private Collection, Stockholm, Sweden by 2005

Salvatore Colonnelli Sciarra, La “Galleria dell’Ecc. Mo Contestabile Colonna” 1730, reproduced in a watercolour showing the paintings on wall E (Chatsworth, Devonshire Collection). This painting is clearly identifiable under n°8 lower right and is described in the caption as « La Pietà di Domenichino » ... see illustration);
John Pope-Hennessy, The Drawings of Domenichino… at Windsor Castle, New York: Phaidon, 1948, p. 43, nos. 195-99; L’Ideale classico del Seicento in Italia e la pittura di paessagio (exh. cat., Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio, Bologna), Bologna: Alfa, 1962, p. 60;
Michael Levey, The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Italian Schools (National Gallery Catalogues), London: The National Gallery, 1971, p. 72;
Donald Posner, Annibale Carracci, London: Phaidon, 1971, II, p. 74;
Edmund Schilling and Anthony Blunt, The German Drawings… at Windsor Castle and Supplements to the Catalogue of Italian and French Drawings…, London and New York: Phaidon, [1971], p. 80;
Hugh Brigstocke, “Domenichino Copies after Annibale Carracci,” The Burlington Magazine, CXV, 1973, p. 526;
Patrick J. Cooney and Gianfranco Malafarina, L’opera completa di Annibale Carracci, Milan: Rizzoli, 1976, p. 126, no. 144;
Richard E. Spear, Domenichino, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1982, I, p. 175, cat. no. 40;
La scuola dei Carracci: i seguaci di Annibale e Agostino, ed. Emilio Negro and Massimo Pirondini, Modena: Artioli, p. 301;
Domenichino 1581-1641 (exh. cat., Palazzo Venezia, Rome), Milan: Electa, 1996, p. 382 (entry by Richard E. Spear);
Maria Cristina Paoluzzi, La Collezione Colonna nell’allestimento settecentesco, La Galleria negli acquarelli di Salvatore Colonnelli Sciarra, Rome 2013, p.13, 25, 140 and 141, illustrated fig.67.

Expertise ad cataloguing by Dr. Richard Spear available on request


Expertise ad cataloguing by Dr. Richard Spear available on request

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